Thursday, May 3, 2012

Week 29- May 2, 2012

Our little acorn squash is estimated to be an average size of 15.2 - 16.7 inches long from head to foot  and 2.5 - 3.8 lbs... WOW!!! We're moving right along.  Because of the baby's size, mommy has been able to SEE movements when sitting quietly.  While sitting on the couch on Saturday, baby was kicking up high and mommy's tummy was moving up and down.  It was quite amazing.  Despite baby either being more active or just getting bigger so movements are felt better, our little one continues to stop when daddy tries to feel it... stinker! 

Not a whole lot to report for week 29, but mommy and daddy scheduled a tour to both of the hospital options. That will be an even bigger reality check. We're in hopes to have the location of the delivery decided on, get ourselves pre-registered, and sign up for classes very soon so we are are prepared as we can be for this process.

Daddy has been working a lot, tis the season, and mommy has been working around the house and sleeping, a total change of pace compared to the life she has lead up until now. Daddy's search for a new job continues and mommy's search for childcare begins.  The thought of arranging for a place to drop our baby off creates anxiety, but it has to happen.  Mommy and Daddy have been attending a Parenting DOJO class at church to learn easy ways to create a Christian home environment for our family. We have been introduced to many great strategies!

The big number 30 is right around the corner so here's to getting that much closer to the day we meet our sweet pea!

Big Hug!
Justin and Erin

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Week 28- April 28, 2012

Week 28 has delivered us a lot of growth. Baby is stretching out and reaching angles never been touched before and is the size of a rutabaga. Didn't know a rutabaga was 15 inches in diameter...WHOA!  Mommy is mesmerized by the movements and loves knowing everything is going well in there (despite some discomfort at times). Friends, Donna and Russ, gave mommy and daddy a baby heart monitor to use.  Mommy thought it was terribly cute when daddy hooked up the speakers to talk to baby and baby kicked in the places the sound was coming from.  AMAZING! Oh, how we can't wait to meet our special little gift!

So week 28 talks a lot about dreams... Mommy's have been VIVID this week. Exhaustion hit hard after the work trip so mommy has been falling asleep while reading and even while talking to daddy.  Daddy reports that mommy has been talking a lot in her sleep the last few days but can't make out the conversation.  These dreams must be so vivid mommy is acting them out. I can only imagine what baby Stone is dreaming about. 

We had our 28 week checkup on Monday and received the wonderful news that mommy passed her 3 hour gestational diabetes test. We are processing sugars perfectly so no additional concerns for that part of the pregnancy.  Dr. Gosser did recommend another follow-up ultrasound in a few weeks in order to monitor baby's growth since blood pressure continues to be a concern. Mommy has been checking blood pressure 2 times a day... some days are better than others, but nothing in an alarming range. There are only about 20 more days of school left for the year so hopefully ending the stress of work before baby comes will help with the stability of blood pressure.  Here's to hoping!  

After the doctor's appointment, mommy and daddy went to work a little more on the baby registry. Daddy had full control over the scan gun and was running all over the store zapping away while mommy was "testing out" the gliders and ottomans.  Daddy sure was having fun! Unfortunately, when we went to turn in the scan gun, nothing registered. Poor daddy has to go back and do it again (although I think he will have the same fun zapping away). 

Mommy's students have been making comments now about the size of baby.  As mommy and daddy noticed in the last few weeks, baby has popped.  Mommy keeps hearing, "Ms. Taylor (the kids can't get used the married name), you've grown!" or "That baby got BIG!" The students are getting more and more excited and keep sharing their thoughts on what baby will be.  One student even keeps trying to name baby Stone. The students who have been historically difficult have become so sweet and respectful now that they can see, without a doubt, there's a baby involved.  Mommy knew they had it in them.

Now that mommy is officially 7 months pregnant, the days are being counted down and planning kicked in high gear. With the nursery painted, we are on our way to getting things together.  WOOHOO!  Excitement!

Big hugs to everyone!

Justin and Erin