Saturday, April 21, 2012

WEEK 27- April 21st, 2012

This week's update... a little late due to travel...thanks for your patience!

Baby Stone is about the size of a cauliflower this week weighing in at approximately 2 lbs, 14 ounces.  With this rate of growth, mommy and baby needs to appreciate the little bit of wiggle room there is right now.  The extra cabin space is going to shrink very quickly!

Going into the 27th week was quite busy.  Daddy's work schedule ramped up and mommy was planning for a business trip. The week began celebrating grandma Char's birthday where the nieces and nephew put their order in on the gender of their newest cousin. Sophia and Isaac want a boy, but Cecily wants a little girl. Grandma Char is fighting the urge start buying clothes because she found a cute little romper for a baby boy. Guess they will all be surprised when baby Stone decides to make an appearance.

Mommy and daddy spent some time trying to decide on a color of paint for the nursery.  Daddy is WAY more artistic than mommy and we spent a lot of time narrowing down to the final 2 choices. Mommy liked them both equally (although pretty different) so she told daddy to make the final call.  Daddy painted the nursery while mommy was away in Baltimore and wouldn't tell what he chose.  Mommy had a surprise in store and it turned out beautiful... a beautiful shade called Vanilla Brandy... looks as yummy as it sounds!

Baby Stone has grown a lot over the last week. So much so that the baby belly comments have started at work… “WOW! You are really starting to show!” or “That top really enhances your belly!” Not sure what to think about all of this attention, but glad that baby is still growing and thriving!  Mommy thinks the sure sign of baby’s growth right now is the fact that movement is no longer limited to the left side of the tummy.  Baby Stone is now creeping to the right side of mommy’s belly button.

Mommy and baby went on their last flight together before the birth.  We traveled to Baltimore, MD for an ASHA committee meeting.  The last time mommy saw the committee was a few months before the wedding.  During that visit to Maryland, mommy talked to her committee friends about the fear of not being able to get pregnant easily.  Since that was not the case, everyone was SOOOO excited to see mommy and hear all about the baby plans. While in the meeting today, mommy felt baby hiccup for the first time.  It was so cute, mommy didn't pay attention to what was going on at the time... hope it wasn't too important!

During the flight to Baltimore, Baby Stone was very active and kicked a lot. The ride was pretty turbulent so mommy wondered if it was a little like a roller coaster ride for baby.  Night times, on the trip, were consistent for mommy and baby with the little one waking up around 2 a.m.. Without the golden pregnancy pillow, it was a little hard to get comfortable in the hotel bed but mommy built a little cocoon out of pillows.  The flight home was quite uneventful, just how mommy likes it, and the trip was a nice way to end traveling before baby comes.

On the medical front, mommy did not pass the first glucose tolerance test and needs to take the more in depth one very soon.  We are hoping that sugars don’t have to be cut out for the remainder of the pregnancy!  Mommy and baby CRAVE carbohydrates and chocolate, luckily after doing some research, fruits can still be a part of our daily consumption.  One of mommy’s friends at work has been spoiling her and leaving little treats on her desk every day. Mrs. Wags has left so many wonderful spring fruits like bananas, apples, watermelon, strawberries, and cantaloupe to yogurt and little cookies (portioned controlled). We have been eating like royalty. So, we’ll probably be just fine without the processed sugars since the fruits have all been so delicious!

Here’s to great week 28!

Big hug,
Justin and Erin