Sunday, July 8, 2012

Baby Stone has ARRIVED!!!

FRIDAY 7/6/12 13:15 
7lb. 3oz. & 20" Length

* My entrance into this world was very bumpy but I'm doing well now. 
Thank you for praying for me and my mommy & daddy.
STL Stone Family

Saturday, June 30, 2012

End of Week 36 into 37- June 28th, 2012

Hello family and friends!

First, we'd like to say how much we appreciate the prayers, love, and support these last 2 weeks.  

We are FINALLY considered full-term and baby will be in great position to have a safe and healthy delivery!  Today, we had our second doctors appointment for the week. It started with a high blood pressure reading for me, but a very good heart rate for Baby Stone.  Again, baby did not like the monitors squishing on the limited space so kept kicking/hitting the monitors.  When Dr. Gosser came into the room, he measured baby's size and we're definitely not having at a little one as we are looking the measurement of 39 weeks. After Dr. Gosser assessed everything, he suggested we talk about induction for next week.  We moved into another room to check on amniotic fluid levels.  At that point we found out that our little turkey took another flip and has moved back into breech position. WOW! Back to the drawing board.  

After some discussion, we now have a plan.  Because Justin and I want very much to have a natural delivery, we are scheduled for Dr. Gosser to attempt an external version to move the baby out of breech position.  If he is successful, he will administer 1 of 2 medications to begin the induction and send me home for the process to begin.  The thought would be to return to the hospital on Thursday for the remainder of labor and delivery.  If we aren't successful in moving baby out of breech position, we will deliver on Tuesday via c-section.  Of course, the ideal scenario we are praying for is for my body to naturally begin the process and for baby to turn before all of this plan has to play out. 

Our biggest praise through this "expect the unexpected" pregnancy, is that our precious little baby seems to be unscathed by the obstacles and trials my body has presented.  To this point, we have a baby who is thriving and developing beautifully, has a strong heartbeat, and is obviously moving like a champion.  I will endure anything I have to to make sure our baby is happy, healthy, and experiences as little stress through the labor and delivery process as humanly possible.  We hand all of our fears, concerns, worry and anxiety to God and pray that all of our health care providers are guided by Him.

Despite feeling overwhelmed by all of the decisions we have had to make today, we are so excited for the day we finally get to meet this little person we have been so blessed with conceiving. We can't wait to find out the gender and see who's nose baby will have. Will we have a red headed baby like Grammy Roena requested? Will baby have daddy's head and mommy's fair skin? Most importantly we want to see 10 fingers, 10 toes, and everything in between.

Hugs and blessings to everyone!

Justin and Erin

Week 35- June 13th, 2012

In week 35, says the average size of a baby is that of a coconut which is around 5.5 lbs. Of course, our baby succeeded that statistic 2 weeks ago.  We are not sure of baby's weight this week but we know peanut is larger than average.  

While in the midst of end of pregnancy preparations, we hit a speed bump that stopped mommy in her tracks and ramped up daddy's to-do list.

Last Thursday, mommy was diagnosed with preeclampsia, which we knew would be a possibility because she fit the profile in many ways.  Although our OB has been prepping us for the possibility, mommy was a little emotional about the news.  As a result, bed/house rest with frequent monitoring has been ordered for mommy and baby.

We're taking it day by day at this point. Baby's heartrate was beautiful yesterday.  Amniotic fluid levels are still in the safe zone.  I am dilated 1/2 a centimeter, but that is no big deal and very common for 1st pregnancies, according to Dr. Gosser.  He, however, was very honest with us that the preeclampsia will only get worse so it is no longer IF there will be induction it is WHEN. The pregnancy will not go beyond the end of week 37 which falls around July 4th. Mommy has to go for more blood work to check liver enzymes and platelets as well as do another 24 hour protein test.  If those levels increase, we will be looking at dates to induce.  Mommy goes back to Dr. Gosser on Thursday to monitor baby's heart rate and amniotic fluid level.

Our immediate goal is to keep both of us safe (the only way to cure preeclampsia is to deliver), but we also want to make sure baby is fully developed. At this point mommy is trying to fight against what is normal for her, being on the go, by keeping as still as possible, which is driving her nuts.  She hates watching everyone scurrying around trying to do all of the last minute things without her participation, but we know she needs to follow doctors orders and we appreciate all of the help support, love, and company being provided during this time.  
A silver lining is that we found out baby is no longer breech so that decreases the chance of having to have a c-section. We're quite happy about that news and trying to figure out the point at which baby flipped.  Since we have a FULL movement baby, it is hard to detect that one moment that stole mommy's breath away.  We may have an acrobat or gymnast on our hands. 


Justin & Erin Stone