Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Week 20 is here and we await the big ultrasound...

WOW! Our baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. Baby is also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana.  That explains the size of mommy's belly. Baby Stone also has some active legs and arms because there has been a lot of movement this week and a few swats that has made mommy jump out of surprise.  Our banana definitely likes music as the activity increased during worship time at church this week.  There is also a strong "baby like daddy" similarity in the choice of food because some very clear thumps were given during lunch at Cheese-ology Macaroni and Cheese Restaurant this past Sunday.

We had a pretty busy weekend and baby cooperated, for the most part, so mommy could participate without feeling too sick or tired.  This weekend will be another busy one with a short trip down south for a good friend's wedding in which mommy and daddy will be taking part.

We are looking forward to the big ultra sound next Wednesday so we can see the little one (it's been since January 11th since we got our last glimpse).  Of course, we will not be finding out the gender, but we are interested in a thorough look to make sure baby Stone is growing and is healthy. 

Mommy and daddy have been talking about boy and girl names, with nothing decided on yet. It has been fun talking about this part because we have very similar interests in what we are looking for. This will be, yet, another surprise for everyone. So, Baby Stone it will be until our little one is delivered in July 2012.

Big hug to all of you!

Justin and Erin

Just Starting Our Baby Blog

Justin and Erin